Small Group Meeting in Milano
May 29, 2024
Program Announcement – Small Group Meeting on “Work and Organizational Psychology (WOP) in the Era of Grand Challenges”
July 4, 2024

From Organizational Psychology towards the Psychology of Organizing with Edina Dóci


"From Organizational Psychology towards the Psychology of Organizing"
on June 27, 2024

with Edina Dóci, Université catholique de Louvain

Dear FoWOP friends & fellows!

We are excited to invite you to our third and final event in the virtual speakers series preceding the FoWOP-Small Group Meeting on ecological sustainability and social inequality in Milan in July.

On January 18, Steffen Böhm talked to us about carbon fetishism and climate capitalism. On April 11, Kaori Fujishiro presented her research on workplace inequality and power. This time, Edina Dóci, known to many of you as a prolific scholar and academic activist, will dialectically close the series by introducing a new paradigm of critical work and organizational psychology for the necessary socio-ecological transformation. Please see the attached flyer for more information.

Edina Dóci, Université catholique de Louvain:
"From Organizational Psychology towards the Psychology of Organizing"

The event will take place virtually on
Thursday June 27, 2024
at 14:00 CEST (1 p.m. UK)

The event is scheduled for about 1 hour and will be followed by an open discussion of implications for the upcoming SGM on ecological sustainability and social inequality.

All are welcome, regardless of knowledge and background, please join us for a friendly discussion.
Please feel free to share this invitation with others who are interested.

Looking forward to seeing you there!😊
On behalf of the SGM Organizing Committee


About Edina Dóci

Edina Dóci conducts research at the intersection of organizational psychology and organizational sociology, delving into the role of psychological resources in two key areas: 1) the reproduction of inequalities in organizations, and 2) the pursuit of social change within organizations and through organizing. Her research interests lie in advancing the emerging field of critical work and organizational psychology, examining inequalities within organizations, exploring the psycho-social mechanisms of social change, the influence of ideology in workplace dynamics, and the psychology of organizing amidst the climate crisis.

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